Saturday, January 31, 2009

Last Minute Fashion Style

Genius Style Shortcuts

When it comes to looking your best, you don’t always have time to go that extra mile. Lucky for you, these sneaky fashion and beauty tricks will allow you to skip steps without compromising your hotness

By Anna Gustafson,

1. Stretch Out Your Too-Tight Jeans
We've all been there: Your date is set to arrive any minute, and your jeans won't zip! "Once they're on as far as they'll go, do some squats and lunges to stretch out the butt and crotch," says Robyn Moreno, author of Practically Posh. Denim gives more easily when it's wet, so if they still feel tight, take them off, dampen trouble spots with a spray bottle of warm water, and use your hands to stretch those areas even more.

2. Give Yourself a Facial
There's nothing better than a professional facial. But if you have a big night and no time, you can still get luminous skin without the royal treatment. Try this 10-minute routine, suggested by Elena Arboleda, head aesthetician at Mario Badescu Skin Care, in New York City. First, wash your face with a cleanser for your skin type. Next, massage on a gentle scrub for 30 seconds with your fingertips. Rinse and apply a thin layer of a mask containing fruit enzymes, such as papaya, which will help give your face a glow. After five minutes, rinse off, and blot your skin dry. Finish with moisturizer, eye cream, and lip balm.

. Send Wrinkles into Hiding
After moisturizing, dab a small amount of premakeup base containing silicone over smile lines, crow's-feet, and small creases. "It visibly blurs the lines and makes skin look much smoother," says makeup artist Nick Barose. Finish with a lightweight liquid foundation (heavy concealers make wrinkles appear deeper) and a dusting of light-reflecting loose powder.

4. Slim Your Legs
For trimmer-looking stems almost instantly, "rub a subtle self- steamer that has bronzing pigments into your skin to give it an immediate glow that will deepen in a few hours," says Linda Hay, a makeup artist for Victoria's Secret. "Let it dry for a couple of minutes, then use a fat blush brush to draw just a line of iridescent shimmer powder down the front and back of your legs, from thigh to toe - it will reflect light down the center, giving a longer, slimmer illusion."

5. Fix a Mani Smudge
Hey, you've got places to go - which is why you inevitably end up bolting from the nail salon before your polish has dried completely. You know what comes next - an ugly smudge. Try this quick fix: "As soon as you get home, carefully pour nail enamel remover into the cap," says Ji Baek, owner of New York City's Rescue Beauty Lounges and author of Rescue Your Nails. "Dip the pad of another finger into the liquid and lightly tap and smooth the smudged nail. Then apply a high-shine topcoat." This time, sit tight!

6. Cut Your Blow-Drying Time
Towel-blot hair well, then do what we call a faux-out. Normally, you'd clip up the top and start drying the bottom layer of hair. But to save time, "Put your dryer on high heat and finger-tousle the underside of your hair to zap out the moisture," says hairstylist Jimmy Paul of Bumble and Bumble. Then focus your attention on the top layer. "Use a round brush to blow out sections that are the same width as the brush, applying lots of tension from roots to ends," he adds. The smooth, shiny top layers will conceal what's underneath.

7. Switch Purses in Seconds
Unless you're somehow immune to handbag obsessionitis, you likely own a number of purses. But showing all of them off can be a process, since it takes forever to transfer all your stuff from one bag to the next. To speed it up, accessory designer Anya Hindmarch suggests stashing your belongings in zippered leather or mesh satchels. "They act as a filing system and make it a cinch to transfer your stuff," she says. "One holds money, one makeup, and another has receipts."

8. Freshen Up After the Gym
First, use a disposable face wipe on various body parts - face, arms, and pits, advises Grace Lazenby, personal trainer and founder of Then rub on a scented body water, which will do double duty by mopping up excess moisture and making you smell great. Since you'll already have natural color in your cheeks, just swipe on lip gloss and a coat of mascara.

9. Touch Up Your Roots in a Pinch
To cover peekaboo roots between salon appointments, colorist Rita Hazan of the Rita Hazan Salon, in New York City, suggests trying a touch-up stick. "Choose the shade that matches your hair color best, moisten the tip, and paint it onto your roots like a lipstick," she explains. Or if you're really crunched for time, "put your hair up in a ponytail with a gorgeous headband to hide regrowth," Hazan says.

10. Beautify on the Fly
It's every woman's worst nightmare: You're schlepping through the produce aisle in sweatpants when you spot your ex with a hot new chick. First, move safely out of his line of sight. Next, "Pinch your cheeks for an instantly flushed look, then bite your lips and lick them to make them look really juicy," says makeup artist Mally Roncal. "If you're wearing eyeliner, smudge it with your finger for a quick smoky eye." Finally, flip your head over and shake out your hair to get that sexy, bedhead look. Now, take a deep breath, walk right up to them, and say hi.

11. Sex Up Your Makeup
Concelear and lipstick workday makeup staples. But for happy-hour drinks or a date, that bare-bones look won't do. Kick it up with this two-minute routine: "Line the outside rims of your eyes with black liner and apply a couple of coats of black mascara to the top and bottom lashes," says Roncal. "Dab on a shimmery lip gloss and add a bit of hightlighter to the upper cheekbones to brighten up your skin."

12. Spruce Up Your Pad Fast
Don't you just love it when friends decide to "pop by"? To make sure your place looks put together, owner Maria Gracia suggests whisking through your kitchen, living room, and bathroom and throwing any clutter into a big bag. Then stash it in a closet. To create a little olfactory ambience, light a scented candle or spritz a room spray.

13. Make Dirty Hair Look Chic
There are times when your unwashed hair screams, "For the love of God, shampoo me!" But when you don't have time to lather and rinse, create a messy bun. "Mist your hair with a little bit of hair spray, which will absorb oil and add texture," says Paul. "Tease at the crown, then twist back individual sections one by one, away from your face, securing each with a bobby pin." Finally, gather the length into a loose bun.

Reprinted with permission from Hearst Communications, Inc.

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